Amelia's accomplsihments and Falilures

Amelia Earhart has many accomplishments and failures. Some of the accomplishments she has made is, in 1928 she became the first women to fly across the Atlantic Ocean, even though she was just a passenger. Then on May 20, 1932 she flew across the Atlantic Ocean solo! While she was doing this she also set a new record 15 hours and 18 minutes. That same year she won the Nobel Peace Prize also! Then one day Amelia Earhart wanted to fly around the world the longest way and tried to do this in March 1993. She made her way to California and then went to Honolulu, Hawaii. Then she took off from Hawaii, but a little while later she crashed and failed to fly across the world. She was still alive so she tried again except going the opposite direction. When she attempted this task again she stopped in many places to take a break but then she took off from Lae then dissapeared July 2 in 1937. Nobody knows what has actually happened to her though.